Çakmak, ReşitÇınar, ErcanBaşaran, EyüpBoğa, Mehmet2023-08-012023-08-012021Çakmak, R., Çınar, E., Başaran, E. ve Boğa, M. (2021). Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of esterderivatives of 4-(diethylamino) salicylaldehyde cholinesterase and tyrosinase inhibitors. Middle East Journal of Science, 7(2), 137-144.2618-6136https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/tr/yayin/detay/507519https://hdl.handle.net/11468/12386https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/yayin/detay/507519Alzheimer's disease, one of the diseases that still has no a specific therapy, has become amajor public health issue owing to the increasing population of the elderly, particularly in richcountries. Inhibitory of cholinesterase enzymes (acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase(BChE), which hydrolyze acetylcholine (ACh) and butyrylcholine (BCh) neurotransmitters, haverecently become a choice for the therapy of this disease. Therefore, there is currently a great demandfor novel enzyme inhibitors with desirable properties for applying in the treatment of AD. In this study,a series of ester derivatives of 4-(diethylamino)salicylaldehyde (1-5) were successfully prepared andstructurally illuminated with FT-IR, 1H- and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The inhibitory properties of thesynthesized molecules on AChE, BChE, and tyrosinase enzymes were investigated, respectively.Compound 1 indicated potent inhibitory activity against BChE with 87.28±0.87% inhibition better thangalanthamine (73.83±0.25 %inhibition) employed as standard. Compound 3 showed significantinhibitory effect against tyrosinase with 87.73±0.22 % inhibition, which is better than kojic acid utilizedas standard. The obtained results clearly revealed that some of these molecules have the potential to be used as potent enzyme inhibitor candidates in the future studies.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEstersAcetylcholinesteraseButyrylcholinesteraseTyrosinaseSynthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of esterderivatives of 4-(diethylamino) salicylaldehyde cholinesterase and tyrosinase inhibitorsSynthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of esterderivatives of 4-(diethylamino) salicylaldehyde cholinesterase and tyrosinase inhibitorsArticle7213714450751910.51477/mejs.947973