Ucmak, DeryaErhan, AyhanAkkurt, Zeynep MeltemUcak, Haydar2014-11-172014-11-172014Ucmak, Derya, Erhan, Ayhan, Akkurt, Zeynep Meltem,Ucak, Haydar "Presentation of three cases with phyto contact dermatitis caused by Ranunculus and Anthemis genera".J Dermatolog Treat, 2014; 25(6): 467–469.0954-66341471-1753https://hdl.handle.net/11468/434http://informahealthcare.com/doi/pdfplus/10.3109/09546634.2013.849792In addition to being used especially in a systematic way, herbal treatments are preferred topically by the elderly population in some rheumatological and dermatological diseases. Although alternative medicine treatments may have beneficial effects, certain plants are known to cause common contact dermatitis. Protoanemonin and sesquiterpene lactones, which are found in such plant types as respectively Ranunculus and Anthemis, often cause contact dermatitis. In this article, three cases of phyto contact dermatitis, which are the result of topical use of plant types of Ranunculus ve Anthemis as an alternative method of treatment due to myalgia or arthralgia, have been presented.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAlternative treatmentContact dermatitis,Plant familyPresentation of three cases with phyto contact dermatitis caused by Ranunculus and Anthemis generaPresentation of three cases with phyto contact dermatitis caused by Ranunculus and Anthemis generaArticleWOS:0003365984000042-s2.0-848921839192418803310.3109/09546634.2013.849792Q1Q2