Doğan, CanerKaman, Mete OnurErdem, SerkanAlbayrak, Mustafa2024-04-242024-04-242024Doğan, C., Kaman, M. O., Erdem, S. ve Albayrak, M. (2024). Comparison of Hashin and Puck criterions for failure behavior of pin loaded composite plates. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 55(3), 314-329.0933-5137 this study, the failure behavior of carbon fiber-reinforced pin-jointed composite plates were analyzed for different criteria. For this purpose, composite plates with a single and double pin joints were prepared from four layers carbon fiber composites. The effect of pin number, pin position on plate damage load and type was investigated experimentally and numerically under the tensile test. Numerically, progressive damage analysis was performed using Hashin and Puck failure criteria, and the approach rates to the experimental results were determined. It was observed that the experimental results obtained for single pin joint composites and the numerical data obtained using the Puck damage criterion were at least 87 % compatible, and this rate was determined as 85 % for the Hashin failure criterion. For the double pin jointed composites, it was seen that the experimental results and the results of the Puck damage criterion were compatible with at least 90 %, and this rate was obtained as 84 % for the Hashin failure criterion. The dominant damage type seen in the specimen is matrix shear and fiber compression according to the Hashin damage criterion, inter fiber failure in transverse tension for Puck. © 2024 Wiley-VCH GmbH.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessHashinLaminated compositePin jointProgressive failure analysisPuckComparison of Hashin and Puck criterions for failure behavior of pin loaded composite platesComparison of Hashin and Puck criterions for failure behavior of pin loaded composite platesVergleich der Hashin- und Puck-Kriterien für das Versagensverhalten von stiftbelasteten VerbundwerkstoffplattenVergleich der Hashin- und Puck-Kriterien für das Versagensverhalten von stiftbelasteten VerbundwerkstoffplattenArticle5533143292-s2.0-8518824831710.1002/mawe.202300104Q3