Sezgin, YasinEbinç, SenarIşıkdoğan, AbdurrahmanKüçüköner, MehmetKaplan, Muhammet AliOruç, IdrisUrakci, Zuhat2024-04-242024-04-2420212602-3164 To analyze the efficacy and tolerability of the ICE regimen and prognostic factors for survival in patientswith advanced or relapsed soft tissue sarcomas treated with the ICE regimen (ifosfamide, carboplatin and etoposide). Methods: The records of 28 patients diagnosed with advanced or relapsed soft tissue sarcoma who were treated withthe ICE regimen at our center between 2008 and 2020, were evaluated retrospectively. Results: The most common histopathological subtype were pleomorphic sarcoma (9/32.1%). After a median follow-upduration of 8 months, the median PFS and OS were 6 months (95% confidence interval (CI), 3.6–8.3) and 9.3 months(95% CI, 4.7–13.9), respectively. A multivariate analysis for overall survival revealed the ICE treatment line (HR:4.8, 95%Cl 1.7–12.8, p: 0.002), tumor site (HR: 0.12, 95% Cl 0.03–0.4, p: 0.001) and response to ICE regimen (HR: 0.09, 95% Cl0.01–0.49, p: 0.005) to be independent prognostic factors. The group that received 1–2 chemotherapy regimens priorto the ICE regimen recorded better OS than the group received more than two chemotherapy regimens (22.8 monthsvs 5 months, p: 0.006). Conclusion: The ICE regimen may be particularly effective when used for early treatment after doxorubicin-basedtherapy in patients with advanced or relapsed soft tissue sarcomas.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessICE Regimen in Adult Advanced/Relapsed Soft TissueSarcoma Patients; is it More Effective in Early Use?Retrospective Analysis of Single Center StudyICE Regimen in Adult Advanced/Relapsed Soft TissueSarcoma Patients; is it More Effective in Early Use?Retrospective Analysis of Single Center StudyArticle5227428248483810.14744/ejmi.2021.30532