Experiences of nurses diagnosed with COVID-19 and recovered: A qualitative research
Ozan, Y.D., Çiçek, Ö. ve Topdemir, E.A. (2022). Experiences of nurses diagnosed with COVID-19 and recovered: A qualitative research. Journal of Nursing Management, 30(8), 4005-4014. https://doi.org/10.1111/jonm.13825Abstract
Aim:This study aimed to explain the feelings and experiences of nurses who survivedCOVID-19 in their care and recovery processes, based on Watson’s theory of humancaring.
Background:The COVID-19 pandemic was an extraordinary time when nurses bothtook care of their patients and dealt with their illness by catching the disease them-selves. In this process, nurses who contracted the disease experienced the fear oftransmitting the disease to their relatives.
Method:A qualitative descriptive research design was used in this study. The sampleconsists of 15 nurses selected by the convenience sampling method and diagnosedwith COVID-19 and recovered. The data were collected in face-to-face interviewsusing the individual in-depth interview method through a semi-structured interviewform. A thematic analysis was performed on the data according to the 10 carativefactors of Watson’s theory of human caring.
Results:It was determined that the spiritual and professional difficulties experiencedby nurses who recovered from COVID-19 during the disease and symptom manage-ment process were the fear of death, infecting their family members and losing them,and the importance of life.
Conclusion:It is considered that care practices based on Watson’s theory of humancaring will be beneficial in the management of these processes.
Implications for Nursing Management:Nurses diagnosed with COVID-19 should besupported by the nursing management during their illness so that their negativeexperiences will not be repeated. Watson’s theory of human caring can help elimi-nate this sense of fear and loss.